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The Confederates attacked the Union fort on April 12, 1861.

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Q: What two groups fought in the battle of fort Sumter?
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Which battle was the first to fight after fort Sumter?

The battle that was fought after Fort Sumter was Manassas Junction.

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Fort sumter

Where was fort Sumter fought?

The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first of the American Civil War. It was fought in South Carolina, where it lies before Charleston Harbor.

Why was fort Sumter being fought?

President Lincoln sent supplies to Fort Sumter and the South wanted to stop the supplies from reaching the Fort, which they did. Fort Sumter fought back and ended up losing the supplies and the battle.

How many confederates fought in the battle of fort Sumter?


Was Fort Sumter a battle?

There was a battle for Fort Sumter in the American Civil War.

1st battle of the civil war?

The bombardment and siege of Fort Sumter fought on Apr. 12-13, 1861

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which tactics were successful and which and were not in battle of fort sumter

What is the nickname for fort Sumter?

what is the nickname for the battle fort sumter

Who was the leader of the Confederacy when the Battle of Fort Sumter was fought?

Fort Sumter was forced to surrender on April 13, 1861. At that time the Confederacy was led by provisional President Jefferson Davis.

When was the fort Sumter battle fought?

April 12th 1861 - if you call it a battle. But it had great significance as the war's first action.

How many Americans died in Fort Sumter battle?

Based on all the history about Fort Sumter, it seems that there were no deaths associated with the battle of Fort Sumter.