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Georgia's Supreme Court is the state's highest appellatecourt for both civil and criminal cases.

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Q: What type of court is Georgia's Supreme Court?
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What type of court is the supreme court?

The US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States.

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The Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States. It does not try cases, in the standard sense of the word, but only reviews lower court decisions. Usually, cases heard by the Supreme Court involve issues of Constitutional law or federal legislation.

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The strongest type of Supreme Court opinion is a unanimous opinion of the Court, followed by a majority opinion.

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The US Supreme Court is not a business; it's the highest federal appellate court in the nation, and head of the Judicial Branch of US government.

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The difference is the type of case each court has jurisdiction over. The Supreme Court of Texas is the state's highest appellate court for civil and juvenile cases; the Court of Criminal Appeals is the state's highest appellate court for criminal cases.

Is Federal Appellate Court another name for US Supreme Court?

No. "Federal appellate court" describes a type of court, but not a specific court.Federal = United States government (as opposed to the state governments)Appellate = A court of appeals that reviews cases already tried in a lower courtCourt = Self-explanatoryThe US Supreme Court is a federal appellate court, but so are the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts, so you can't really say "federal appellate court" is synonymous with "US Supreme Court.Because the Supreme Court is the highest appellate court, it is sometimes referred to as the "High Court" or the "Court of Last Resort."The correct name is Supreme Court of the United States, but most people just call it the US Supreme Court.