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The type of law that prohibits public officials meeting in secret is generally called a "Sunshine Law" or more specifically, an "Open Public Meetings Act" or some similar name.

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Q: What type of laws enforce government officials to hold open meetings?
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These types of laws force government officials to hold open meetings?

They are collectively referred to as "sunshine laws."

What is the meaning of public meetings?

Public meetings are held in government settings. Meetings of Congress, statehouses, and cities all hold meetings open to the public.

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If government officials tell lies, hold secret meetings, or try to limit reporters' access to information in other ways, the media may not be able to provide the information citizens need.

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the basic powers of government is that they have the right to make and enforce laws. they also hold the power to declare war

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Hôtel de la Chambre, Krautmaart, Luxembourg City.

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Popular sovereignty asserts that people hold ultimate authority.

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A republic is a government in which voters hold sovereign power. Elected representatives are responsible to the people that hold sovereign power and elect officials to run the day-to-day affairs of government.

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Old Parliament House was built because meetings needed to be held for important reasons and for the prime minister and deputy prime minister to hold meetings about the government.

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The Roman government was the senate and they would have meetings in the Curia or senate house -- when they had one. It seems that the various senate houses were always burning down. Otherwise they would meet in any temple or basilica that was large enough to hold them.

How can Americans participate in politics?

Individuals can shape the local, state and federal government by casting their vote, going to town hall meetings that elected officials hold, signing a petition, serving as a juror, serving through the Armed Forces, holding their elected officials up to scrutiny, or protesting through boycotts, sit-ins or marching. These are only some of the ways that a citizen can participate in the governmental process.

What are two was that an American can participate in their democracy?

Individuals can shape the local, state and federal government by casting their vote, going to town hall meetings that elected officials hold, signing a petition, serving as a juror, serving through the Armed Forces, holding their elected officials up to scrutiny, or protesting through boycotts, sit-ins or marching. These are only some of the ways that a citizen can participate in the governmental process.

What amendment would protect the freedom to hold meetings and to ask the government to hear complaints?

The first amendment from the ten amendments, or the Bill of Rights.