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Freedom of association also protects the gathering of people for personal, private purposes, such as the meeting of family members.

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Q: What types of activities are protected by freedom of assembly?
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What are the types of freedom that enlightenment thinkers championed?

Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote in favor of human freedom.

What are the three types of speech protected by the first amendment?

The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution enumerates five forms of protected speech. Among these are the right to petition, assemble and the press.

Why may government require that groups first obtain permits to practice or demonstrate?

The First Amendment of the BILL OF RIGHTS provides that "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble."This provision applies to state government entities through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Though neither the federal Constitution nor any state constitution specifically protects rights of association, the United States Supreme Court and other courts have extended assembly rights to include rights of association.Rights to free speech and assembly are not absolute under the relevant JURISPRUDENCE. Government entities may restrict many types of speech without violating First Amendment protections. Many of the Supreme Court's First Amendment cases focus on two main questions: first, whether the restriction on speech was based on the content of the speech; and second, whether the speech was given in a traditional public forum or elsewhere. Some questions focus exclusively on the actual speech, rather than on aspects of the right to assembly. Other questions contain aspects of both the right to free speech and the right to assemble peacefully. Cases addressing free speech plus some conduct in the exercise of assembly rights often pose complex questions, since either the speech rights or the assembly rights may not protect the parties in these types of cases.Since the courts take into consideration such a variety of factors when determining whether a particular speech or whether a particular assemblage is protected by the First Amendment, it is difficult to provide a concise definition of rights of assembly. Even in areas where a government entity may restrict speech or assembly rights, courts are more likely to find a violation of the First Amendment if speech or assembly is banned completely. Some restrictions merely involve the application for a permit or license to assemble, such as obtaining a license to hold a parade in a public street. Other time, place, and/or manner restrictions may also apply.

What were the principles of the roman republic?

The Roman Republic did not have a centralised executive, like a cabinet or an administration and the Romans did not elect only the head of the government (such as a president or a prime minister). There were five types of executive officers of state and all of them were all elected annually, except for the censors who were elected every 18 months. Each of these officers of state acted independently within the remit of their office. The two consuls were he heads of the Republic. The praetors were chief justices, the censor had the census (which was more of a property assessment than a head count), oversaw public morality, enrolled the senators and commissioned public works; the aediles performed numerous administrative functions and the quaestors were the treasurers. The senate was not an elected body. It was composed of patricians (aristocrats) and former executive officers of state. It was not a legislative body either. It was an advisory body. It was a body where matters of policy were discussed and recommendations for the consuls were made. It was the most powerful political body of the Republic. Rome had three popular assemblies, the Assembly of the Soldiers which gathered all the soldiers; the Assembly of the Tribes which included all Roman citizens who one assembly for each of the tribes) which were Rome's administrative areas); and the Plebeian Council which was the assembly of the plebeians, the commoners. The Assembly of the Soldiers voted on war and peace and elected the senior officers of state (the consuls, the praetors and the censors). The Assembly of the Tribes elected the junior ones (the aediles and the quaestors). Until 82 BC the Assembly of the Soldiers also acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases and the Assembly of the Tribes acted as a court of appeal for other cases. The Plebeian Council elected the political representatives of the plebeians, the plebeian tribunes. In the Early Republic, bills were proposed by the consuls and were voted on by the soldiers gathered in the Assembly of the Soldiers. Later in the Republic the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of bills and the Plebeian Council became the legislative body.

What forms of expression is not protected under the first amendment?

Public speech that threaten the public peace and order. Numerous state and local laws prohibit incitement to riot and disturbing the peace. Criminal Law and Procedure John M. Scheb, 2010