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The types of gladiators were:

· Andabata-they fought blind, had helmets with no eye holes, thus with no vision it would usually be 2 of these gladiators combating.

· The arbelas fought with a crescent shaped knife that shoemakers used to cut leather. They are only fighting against Retiarii or against each other. This type of gladiator is mentioned in only one source,

· The bestiarius was a beast-fighter.

· The bustuarius (from bustum, "tomb) was a "tomb fighter. They were gladiators who fought at funeral games (munera),

· The cestus was a fist-fighter who wore the cestus, a glove made with leather strips and sometimes filled with iron plates or fitted with blades or spikes, and used as weapons.

· The dimachaerus fought with two swords, one in each hand.

· The Eques (plural equites) was horseman. They opened the games. They started on horses, but after throwing their spears they dismounted fought with a short sword (gladius). They wore manica (arm protection) on their right arm and sleeveless, belted tunics, in contrast to other gladiators who usually fought bare-chested,

· The essedarius fought on chariots. It is likely that they were first brought to Rome from Britain by Julius Caesar.

· Hoplomachus-armed like a Thracian with metal greaves over quilted leg guards and a brimmed helmet, but fought with a round shield and a short straight sword. They were paired against the Murmillo or the Thraex.

· The laquearius tried to catch his opponents with a lasso (laqueus) and had a dagger he when he snared the adversary.

· Murmillo-fought with hoplomachus or Thracian, these gladiators had protected right arms and left legs and fought with a large rectangular shield, a brimmed helmet and short sword. They were paired with Thraex, and occasionally with the hoplomachus.

· The scissor (plural scissores) used a short sword with two blades that looked like a pair of open scissors.

· Thraex or (Thracian) was armed like a hoplomachus, but fought with a small square shield and a curved sword.

· Retiarius-fought secutor and wore manica and galerus on left arm and used a net a trident and dagger and tried to catch secutores with the net.

Secutor-type of gladiator who went against retarius, they were armed the same as a murmillo, but the smooth helmet enclosed the head entirely, apart from small eye-holes as protection against the prongs of the trident

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Q: What types of gladiators were there?
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Who did the gladiators fight?

The gladiators fought wild animals,criminals,and other fighters to entertain the people of the city.

How were the gladiators chosen and what kind of people became Gladiators?

They were defeated armies drafted as slaves to the Roman Empire.

How many types of gladiators?

The different types of gladoators were the:Andabatus:fought blind. He had a helmet with no eye holes. Thus with no vision he fought with another andabatus.The arbelas: fought with a crescent shaped knife that shoemakers used to cut leather. They are only fighting against Retiarii or against each other. This type of gladiator is mentioned in only one source,The bestiaries: a beast-fighter.The bustuarius:(from bustum, "tomb) a "tomb fighter. They were gladiators who fought at funeral games (munera),The cestus: a fist-fighter who wore the cestus, a glove made with leather strips and sometimes filled with iron plates or fitted with blades or spikes, and used as weapons.The dimachaerus:fought with two swords, one in each hand.The Eques (plural equites): horseman. They opened the games. They started on horses, but after throwing their spears they dismounted fought with a short sword (gladius). They wore manica (arm protection) on their right arm and sleeveless, belted tunics, in contrast to other gladiators who usually fought bare-chested,The essedarius:fought on chariots. It is likely that they were first brought to Rome from Britain by Julius Caesar.The hoplomachus:armed like a Thracian with metal greaves over quilted leg guards and a brimmed helmet, but fought with a round shield and a short straight sword. They were paired against the Murmillo or the Thraex.The laquearius:tried to catch his opponents with a lasso (laqueus) and had a dagger he when he snared the adversary.The murmillo:fought with hoplomachus or Thracian, these gladiators had protected right arms and left legs and fought with a large rectangular shield, a brimmed helmet and short sword. They were paired with Thraex, and occasionally with the hoplomachus.The scissor (plural scissores): used a short sword with two blades that looked like a pair of open scissors.The thraex or (Thracian): was armed like a hoplomachus, but fought with a small square shield and a curved sword.The retiarius:fought secutor and wore manica and galerus on left arm and used a net a trident and dagger and tried to catch secutores with the net.The secutor: a type of gladiator who went against retarius, they were armed the same as a murmillo, but the smooth helmet enclosed the head entirely, apart from small eye-holes as protection against the prongs of the trident

What were the gladiators jobs?

They were slaves who were taught to fight and kill to the death for the plebeian's (common folk) and Roman's entertainment.

What are types of a model?

3 types of a model are-Physical-Mathematical-Conceptual

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How many types of gladiators were there?

Check out this link for a listing of the various types of gladiators.

How many different types of gladiators was there?


Who did the roman gladiatords fight?

The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.The Roman gladiators fought other gladiators. Their bouts, even though there may have been several pairs fighting at the same time, were one-on-one types of encounters.

How many different types of roman gladiators where there?

There were four.

What did roman gladiators do when they retired?

When the gladiators wern't fighting they would practice at the ampitheatre or be at their quarters. Gladiators wenrnt often completely killed as they were hard to replace and provided a great source of entertainment. When the crowd wanted a gladiator to be completely killed the kind would have to rule the decision.

What type of armor did gladiators wear?

Only one of 16 different types of gladiators wore armour. This was the provocator (challenger) who wore a breastplate and whose armament was similar to that of a Roman soldiers. All other types of gladiators fought bare chested. This was a symbol of defiance against death.

What are the different types of roman gladiators?

There were thraexes, retiarius or net men, provocator and hoplomachuses.

What are the names of 3 types of gladiators?

Fred Franklin samili Jones and freti pennings

Who did the Romans gladiators fight?

The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.The gladiators fought other gladiators.

What types of people were gladiators and why did the fight for rome?

The gladiators were mostly slaves. Some were criminals convicted to the arena. There were also a few volunteers. The gladiators did not fight for Rome. They were not a military force. They fought in the gladiatorial combats, which were public shows in the amphitheatres (arenas). The Romans loved the gladiatorial games.

Where did roman gladiators square off for combat against other gladiators against beasts?

The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.The combat arena for the gladiators against other gladiators and against animals was the Colosseum.

When was there gladiators?

Gladiators are from Ancient Rome.