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Q: What was America's total debt after the revolutionary War?
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Was the US in debt when washington took office?

Yes, there was a war debt from Revolutionary War expenses.

Was Saint Francis Xavier in the Revolutionary War?

No, Saint Francis Xavier was not in the Revolutionary War and never set foot in the Americas.

When did the US begin to be in debt?

Since the revolutionary war.

What were the battles of the Revolutionary War?

=There were a total of 39 battles in the revolutionary war.=

What were economical effects of the Revolutionary War?

The war left the nation with a debt of about $27 million.

How did the revolutionary war affect Americas economic situation?

it created economic problems.

Were loyalists on Americas side or Britain's side in the revolutionary war?

Britain's side

Who won the Revolutionary War in 1775?

the americas won because thats why we are free

What started the US growing a large national debt?

The Revolutionary War.

When did the US Government first tax liquors?

Just after the Revolutionary War to pay the War Debt.

What are the long term effects of American revolutionary war?

we went into great debt.