it created economic problems.
americas war of independence is also known as the revolutionary war, but that is not what is meant to be called, it is actually the war of indepence.
Massachusets taxes on farmers after the revolutionary war affected them by taking their lands and putting others in debt.
Depends what you mean by large. The US has been in debt since day 1 due to Revolutionary War Debts owed to probably France. The only time it's been zero was during Andrew Jackson's presidency about 1835. First major surge in debt was the war of Northern Aggression (aka Civil War). Pretty much every war created huge surges in the Public debt, especially World War I, World War II, Cold War, War on Terrorism.
Yes, there was a war debt from Revolutionary War expenses.
No, Saint Francis Xavier was not in the Revolutionary War and never set foot in the Americas.
Since the revolutionary war.
=There were a total of 39 battles in the revolutionary war.=
The war left the nation with a debt of about $27 million.
it created economic problems.
Britain's side
the americas won because thats why we are free
The Revolutionary War.
Just after the Revolutionary War to pay the War Debt.
we went into great debt.