I am going to give you my opinion that may differ from the Historians of the USA. I was so young when he was president. In my thoughts his greatest achievement was winning the hearts of the Americans. When he died we cried for three days and many businesses closed down. The entire country went into the slump. Now, as for presidential achievements, I think it is a miracle he managed to get the Russians to go home and take their nuclear missiles with them. Just what we did not need, nukes crashing down upon the southern part of the USA.
bus stations
he fought in the navy.
The New Frontier.
Because those amendments did the following:14-Provided definition of citizenship and civil rights1-Voting rights for blacks.
Their greatest achievements were made in Mathematics and Medicine/engineering.
what is Bill Gates greatest achievements
There are a number of achievements that Serena Williams may consider her greatest. Some consider her fame her greatest achievement.
one of his greatest achievements were he was the first European astronomer to change the medieval belief system =)
One of Liberia's greatest achievements is having the first Women president (Ellen Johnson) on the continent of Africa.
The two greatest achievements in Rome are in the areas of architecture and law.
Kennedys foreign and domestic policies included his actions towards the civil rights movement and the New Frontier
He was the greatest innovator.
these nuts!(:
the war
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