hi nice too meet u
His older brothers were John who was 4 years older than him. Enoch who was 2 years older than him. His younger sisters were Joanna and Elizabeth. His younger brothers were Samuel, Joseph, William, David, and Richard.
Yes, Nathan Hale impacted the American Revolution - He went on one of the most dangerous and secretive mission directed by General George Washington. He succeeded to disguise as a Dutch schoolteacher and manage his way behind British lines. Once he recovered British military information, he was caught by a few British officers and was immediately sent to his death by being hung by British General - Cornwallis. As he never completely succeeded in his daring mission, he did volunteer and gave his life for his country.
Before Nathan Hale became a spy, he was a school teacher. Once he joined the army and they were in need of a spy to figure out when the British would attack, Nathan Hale elected himself. Nathan Hale went to the British encampment and became a "School Teacher" for his disguise. One day as Nathan was in a local pub, a British officer noticed Nathan Hale and thought he looked very familiar. Nathan Hale had powder burns on his right cheek from a musket. A school teacher would not of had this. Due to Nathan hales burns on his face, and how uncommon it looked. They figured out that he was a spy. And hung him. When he was hung the last words he spoke were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." and this is what Nathan Hale is most known for. -Written by a student from Ms.Rosas's class. 2010. Go APUSH!
Nathan Bedford Forrest (July 13, 1821 - October 29, 1877)
what was nathan hale's childhood like
Nathan Hale was born on June 6, 1755.
he wasnt married
He had black hair
hi nice too meet u
" I only regret that I have but one life for my country."
"I only regret that I have but one life to give to my country."
1776 right before he died
Yellow and purple
Nathan Hale was a soilder of the American revolution
Nathan Sykes is a/an Singer,songwriter,record producer