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His goal in the French Revolution was to execute all the corruption in France. He had the King and Queen beheaded, and he did public displays of torture or killings. He made theses killings as a sort of show almost. During this time it was called "The Reign of Terror", later Robespeirre was also beheaded.

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The purpose of the Reign of Terrror to protect the Republic from its internal enemies

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To protect and preserve the French Revolution.

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To preserve and protect the French Revolutin.

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To protect and defend the Revolution.

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Q: What was Robespierre's goal during the Reign of Terror?
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What was the goal of the reign of terror?

To protect and preserve the French Revolution.

Which estate had the greatest number of members sent to the guillotine during the Reign of Terror?

Their main goal was to kill the nobles, so the Second Estate.

How did the Reign of Terror overturn the initial goal and achievements of the French Revolution?

The Rein of Terror was the time when hundreds even thousands of people died. At the time, Robespierre was in charge of this madness.

What was Justinians's major goal during his reign?

To reunite the Roman Empire.

What was Justinians main goal during his reign?

to reunite the roman empire

What was Justinian's main goal during reign?

to reunite the Roman Empire

Does religion relate to the reign of terror?

Religion had nothing to do with the French Revolution. It was all about creating a new government and that goal turned into a dictatorship thanks to Robespierre.

What was Napoleons role during the Reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror was dominated by the Committee of Public Safety (a group of twelve men who ultimately ruled France at the time). The Terror killed 40,000 to 50,000 people with the goal of eliminating anyone who opposed the new French Republic. To maintain liberty, equality and fraternity, The Committee of Public Safety took bloody measures. They used the guillotine, mass drowning and grapeshot. In the long run, the Reign of Terror exhausted the French Revolution, leading to the Directory which aimed to create more peace in France. After the weak rule of the Directory, Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'etat and eventually became emperor. In conclusion, the Reign of Terror helped lead the way for the end of the Revolution while maintaining the Revolutionary spirit which easily could have been destroyed by France's European enemies and the counter-revolutions. Today, the Reign of Terror is remembered as one of the most horrifying by fascinating parts of the French Revolution.

What was Justinian 1 goal during his reign?

It was the reconquest of the lands lost by the Western Roman Empire. He succeeded in retaking part of Italy, Africa and part of Spain.

What was Justinian I main goal?

Justinian I's major goals during his reign were to reunite the Roman Empire, return it to its former glory , and to reclaim lost territory in the West.

What was Justinian 1's major goal during his reign?

It was the reconquest of the lands lost by the Western Roman Empire. He succeeded in retaking part of Italy, Africa and part of Spain.

What was Justinian's major goal during his reign?

To reunite the Roman Empire.