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special interest or tariff

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Q: What was a group that represented the common man and believed the government should represent all people equally called?
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How would states be represent in congress under the new Jersey plan?

They would be represented equally.

What did Progressive have faith in?

They strongly believed in a honest, efficient, and democratic government. Also, they believed people was to be treated equally, just like many other American icons.

What did progressives have strong faith in?

They strongly believed in a honest, efficient, and democratic government. Also, they believed people was to be treated equally, just like many other American icons.

How would states be represented in congress under the jersey plan?

They would be represented equally.

How are states represented in the senate?

States are represented equally in the Senate, with each state having two senators. This means that both large and small states have an equal voice in the Senate. This ensures that each state is equally represented in the legislative process.

What legislative branch where all states are repersented equally?

The Senate has two members from every state so they each represent the states equally. The House of Representatives are based on population, so states with more people have more representation.

What organ has all members states represented equally?

good question

What is a bicameral legislation?

a reflection of federalism. each of the states is equally represented in the senate and each is represented in line with its population in the house.

What did John Locke think the best form of government was?

John Locke believed in a constitutional government that protected natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. He advocated for a government with limited powers and a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. Locke believed that individuals had the right to rebel against a government that violated their natural rights.

Which organ of the United Nations has all member states represented equally?

i have no clue

In which plan were all states to be represented equally in the legislature?

new jersey plan

Are you a boy or girl who answers theese questions?

Both are equally represented here.