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Spain violated United States territory in Cuba

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The quest for Cuban Independence and the sinking of the USS Maine.

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The loss of the U.S.S Maine

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Resentment of Spain's Imperialism

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Q: What was a major cause of the Spanish American War?
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A major result of the spanish-American war was that the United States did what?

A major result of the Spanish-American War was that the United States obtained overseas colonies.

What was the causes of the American war?

The cause of the Spanish-American war was because the Americans wanted to conquer the countries that the Spanish had colonized.

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The Kaiser was a major participant in which war?

World War 1 the answer is the spanish American war is good ok.

What was the leading cause of death in the Spanish American War?

Yellow fever.

What major wars has Spain fought in?

Anglo-Spanish War Thirty Years War Seven Years War The Napoleonic Wars (The Peninsular War) Spanish-American War Spanish Civil War

Major crop in Cuba during the Spanish American War?

Sugar Cane.

Major disease during the Spanish American War?

Malaria and Yellow Fever.

What were the long term causes of the Spanish-American War?

One long term cause of the Spanish American War was to protect American business interests in Cuba. Another cause was America's support for Cuba's independence.

What are the three major us intervention in latin America in the 19th century?

texas annexation ,mexican-american war, spanish-american war

Where did the first major victory for US occur in the Spanish American War?

At Manila Bay.

First major victory for Americans in the Spanish-American War?

The Battle of Manila Bay.