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government corruption

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Government corruption: some scholars say the Harding administration was one of the most corrupt in history. By most accounts, Warren G. Harding was not necessarily an evil person; but he surrounded himself with his friends and did not seem able to say "no" to them nor recognize when they were making questionable decisions.

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Q: What was a major problem during the Harding administration?
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What was the major problem during Harding administration?

government corruption (apex)

What was a major problem during the harding adminstration?

government corruption

What was the name of major Harding administration scandal?

The major scandal during Warren G. Harding's administration was known as the Teapot Dome scandal. It involved the illegal leasing of federal oil reserves to private companies in exchange for bribes.

What was a major problem during the hardening administration?

government corruption.

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government corruption

What was major problem during hardings administration?

government corruption (apex)

What was a major problem during the harding administation?

Some of the most important issues of Warren G. Harding's administration were the singing of the Emergency Quota Act. It limted the number of immigrants who could enter the country to 3% of what was already present in the country. However, the most major issue which marks the adminisration was the Teapot Dome Scandal.

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The major accomplishment he did during presidency was the Harding ended the First World War with treaties that built on the Treaty of Versailles.

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Major B. Harding was born in 1935.

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No president can pass any laws. Coolidge stepped when Harding died and pretty much followed Harding's philosophy of government. Laws were passed by Congress as usual.