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Enunciation of the doctrine of nullification

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Q: What was an important consequence of the tariff of abominations in 1828?
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What did the southerners call the tariff of 1828?

The nation's manufacturing industry was in jeopardy due to imported goods at very low prices. The Tariff of 1828 was one of many tariffs passed by Congress to impose tax on imported goods.

How did the tariff of 1828 affect people in the south?

People in the south imported goods from Europe a lot. The tarrrif made it more expensive to import goods from out of the country.

The Nullification Crisis involved a conflict over whether?

The Nullification Crisis occurred during Andrew Jackson's presidency. The ordinance stated that the federal Tariffs of 1828 South Carolina's boundaries. The controversial and highly protective Tariff of 1828, known by its opponents as the"Tariff of Abominations."

Why was the tariff of abominations important?

The tariff of abomination eventually led to the Nullification Crisis in South Carolina. John C. Calhoon wanted to nullify this tariff because it put South Carolina at an disadvantage regarding the selling of their goods. Andrew Jackson, the president at the time, was outraged and even threatened the "Force Act" in order to get South Carolina to cooperate with the federal government. This is when the famous debate took place between Robert Hayne and Daniel Webster. Webster was supporting the federal gov and cried "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable!" The whole predicament was an issue of states' rights versus national power. In the end, Jackson had a private meeting with Henry Clay and they decided to lower the tariff over a ten year time span as long as South Carolina promised not to nullify the tariff.

Who lead the fight against the tariff of abominations?

The man most against it was Vice-President John C. Calhoun who resigned his post in order to run for the Senate. Andrew Jackson signed the bill for this tariff which was a reduction over the tariff of 1828. It was mostly written by ex-President John Quincy Adams. I do not know of any past or future presidents who actively were against it.