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Proprietary colonies

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Q: What was organized by people to whom the king had made a grant of land available and could be settled and governed in whatever manner they saw fit?
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Organized by people to whom the king had made a grant of land available and could be settled and governed in whatever manner they saw fit?

Proprietary colonies

Was Polynesia the first Pacific Island to be settled?

No polynesia was actually not the first whatever to be settled and honestly i dont give a rats a$$ what other people say but i think that my big black booty was the first islad settled.

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In general, immigrants settled in the cities because work was available along with housing.

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New Hampshire was settled in 11636 by thomas hooker lol best of luck in whatever you are doing!!!! i am very happy today, and i hope u r too! best dishes and best wishes to u!

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the answer is dont do it cause it is just the waste of time the time you really need to be on top is when you r taking that test or whatever.

How was Australia governed in 1788?

In 1788, no part of Australia was even known as Australia. The only settled part was Port Jackson, which was the beginning of the colony of New South Wales. Thus, it was governed by a Governor, Arthur Phillip, who had been appointed by the British authorities. While Phillip had the authority to establish and implement laws and rules as he saw fit, the colony was completely under British rule.

What country ruled the early American colonies?

In the New England colonies, it was a Theocracy. This means that they were governed by religious leaders (priests, bishops, etc.) The King had little to no control over these colonies. There were also proprietors, who owned large amounts of land, and governors, who oversaw everything.

Where can you find Legal case briefs from settled cases?

at your local law library, or through interlibrary loan. Some are available online for a fee.

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The case has been settled to the satisfaction of the Plaintiff, oftentimes applied to out-of-court agreements made to settle whatever the issue(s) may have been..

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The past participle of "settled" is also "settled."

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Owe 50000 on house sell for 100000 took out 50000 in equity when you sell do you get100000 plus 50000 in equity?

No.When you sell, the house will have a lien from the lender who you received the $50,000 from. That will have to be settled before the deed can be transferred to the new owner.You get the sale price less whatever leins are on the home.AnswerNo. When you sell, the house will have a lien from the lender who you received the $50,000 from. That will have to be settled before the title can be transferred to the new owner.You get the sale price less whatever leins are on the home.