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The Children's march was to help stop segregation in Birmingham Alabama. Also It began because African American children wanted equal rights. They wanted the same treatment as they treated the Caucasian. They really don't care if they go to jail, they want there freedom. and It talks about children marching in Birmingham, Alabama to fight for there freedom.

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15y ago

they arrested about 5,ooo children in the march in 1963 and the kids where smart they thought that if they filled the jails the president will care and fix it and make it civil right.

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When was the Birmingham childrens march?

2nd-3rd March 1963

Where was the children's march in 1963?

The childrens march was in Birmingham Alabama

Who was the president during the childrens march in 1963?

John Kennedy was the President in May, 1963 when the children in Birmingham made their march.

How long did the childrens march of 1963 last?

it was about a week 1st day was the march and 800 kids went to jail. 3-7 day was water and the dogs called shock day.

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The childrens march was dangerous because the children didnt know where they were going.

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