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The process wherby each state voted to accept the new US Constitution is called "ratification." This term is also used for acceptance of amendments to the constitution.

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Q: What was the approval of the Constitution called?
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Formal approval for the constitution was called what?

ratification of coarse

What is ratification of constitution?

It was approval by the states of the constitution.

What was The formal approval of the constitution by the states?


Why were people against the approval of the constitution?


The process of submitting to a direct vote of the citizens for approval of rejection?

The US Constitution provides for a process of submitting a direct vote of the citizens for a approval or rejection. This process is called a referendum.

In what way is the Constitution more flexible than the Articles of Confederation?

Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required an absolute unanimous approval. In contrast, the Constitution only required a three quarters approval, thus allowing lenience in the approval of amendments.

What did it take the make constitution official?

The approval of nine states

Who debated the constitution when it was first sent to the states for approval?


Following approval at the constitution convention Who was it sent to?

The states for ratification.

What is official approval called?

Official approval is sanction.

Would the federalists have won approval for the constitution if George Washington had not supported it?

No because whatever side Washington was on would have automatically won the approval for the Constitution. He was a public icon and everyone thought he was right.

Would the federalist have won approval for the constitution if George Washington had not supported it?

No because whatever side Washington was on would have automatically won the approval for the Constitution. He was a public icon and everyone thought he was right.