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July 4, 1787

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Q: What was the exact day month and year that the constitution?
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What was the exact day month and year that constitution was signed by the delegated to the constitution convention?

September 17, 1787

What was the exact day month and year that the Constitution was signed by the delegates?

September 17, 1787

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September 17, 1787

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July 15, 2006.

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The exact date is not known.

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September 1898. The exact date (or time of day) were not recorded.

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The exact date of his birth is unknown.

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Rosalie's birthday has never been revealed on the exact month or day.

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1663 but I'm not sure of an exact day or month. ~John 3:16 :)

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the year is 2010 and the month is marchbut i do not know what day. Im sorry

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July 23, 1997 ^__^ We have the same exact birthday from the month to the day and year ♥