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Prohibition ended with a constitutional amendment.

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Q: What was the final problem that finally brought prohibition to an end in 1932?
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What is the adverb of final?

The adverb form of the word "final" is finally.Some example sentences are:We were finally home.She finally stopped talking.I have finally finished writing the book.

What is a root word of finally?

"Finally" is the adverbial form of "final" which comes from the Latin finis, meaning "end."

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Jamie Dixon has brought Pitt to 1 Final Four in his career as of 2010

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"The final Problem" was the name of the book in which Sherlock Holmes was written to die, however, readers insisted he be brought back, and to great surprise he was!

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Final Exam, Final answer, Final jeopardy, Final Score, Final Words, Final chapter, Final Draft , Finally,Finale, Finalize, Finalized, Finals

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The Final Problem - 1923 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What part of speech is the word final?

The FINAL answer = an adjective. The FINALS of the competition = a noun.

Is finally an adjective?

Yes, it can be. It is from the same root word as 'finish' and means last, concluding, or finishing. Example: It was the final phase of the project. The two best teams met in the final game. The final exams are on Thursday. The noun 'final' means the final contest, or a final exam. There is a related noun, finale.

What is the base word for Finally?

The base word for "finally" is "final." In this case, the suffix "-ly" has been added to the base word "final" to create the adverb "finally." Suffixes like "-ly" are commonly added to base words to change their form or function in English language.

Is final an adverb?

Yes, the word finally is an adverb. The adjective form is final.An example sentence using the word is "we have finally completed the construction of the teacup statue".

What does al final mean in Spanish?

Finally At the end.