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Q: What was the first type of government in Jamestown?
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What type or form of government was Jamestown like?

self government

Which describes the type of government established in Jamestown?

A representative type of government was established in Jamestown. It was originally set up as a money making charter colony.

What describes the type of government Jamestown?

ruled by a dictator

What describes the type of government in Jamestown?

ruled by a dictator

Do the House of Burgesses was the best type of government for the Jamestown colony?


The House of Burgesses was the best type of government for the Jamestown colony?


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What type of democratic government features did virginia have in 1607?

The type of democratic government features that Virginia had in 1607 was a representative government. This started in Jamestown which was the capital of the Virginia colony.

What is the first example of representative government in the English colonies?

House of Burgersses in Jamestown

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how did the government of he Jamestown settlers differ from tht of theplymouth settles

The house of burgesses was the best type of government for the Jamestown colony why or why not?

Because Elmo said so and Garlic bread stinks