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The granger movement was primarily a movement contrived of a group of farmers to promote agriculture, fight railroad monopolies, and rally for rural mail delivery.

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Q: What was the main goal of the Granger movement?
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A main goal of the Granger movement of the 1870's and 1880's was to?

eliminate the abuses of the railroads

Who was one of the main founders of the Granger Movement?

Oliver H. Kelly

People was one of the main founders of the Granger Movement?

Oliver H. Kelley

What was the direct response to the Granger movement?

The Granger Movement was the first part of the Farmers Movement introduced in 1867 to advance the social and economic needs of farmers. The outcome of the Granger movement was ruin.

Was a direct response to the Granger movement?

A direct response to the Granger Movement was Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois set maximum rates for grain storage and shipping. The Granger Movement took place in the 1800s.

What was a direct response to the granger movement?

A direct response to the Granger Movement was Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois set maximum rates for grain storage and shipping. The Granger Movement took place in the 1800s.

Who were the Main founders of the Granger Movement?

In 1867 Oliver Hudson Perry started the Patrons of Husbandry, which would become the Granger Movement. Initially membership was limited to his own state, Minnesota, but by the 1870's membership had burgeoned to 800,000 representing all states. The main focus was high rates charged by grain elevators and railroad monopolies.

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Who began the Granger movement?

Oliver H. Kelley

The granger movement laid the foundation for the development of what?

populist party

The granger movement laid the foundation for the development of the?

Populaist party

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