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the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

-William McKinley wanted to remain on the gold standard.

-William jennings Bryan and the populist party advocated for the silver standard.

the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

-William McKinley wanted to remain on the gold standard.

-William jennings Bryan and the populist party advocated for the silver standard.


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10y ago

The election of 1872 was the first Presidential election where the electoral votes did nothing to help decide who would be President of the United States. The election was by popular vote in every state. One issue of that election was the candidates changing from Democrat to Liberal.

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12y ago

The major campaign issue in the Presidential race between incumbent Andrew Jackson and challenger Henry Clay was Jackson's disapproval of the Second Bank of the United States. Clay also criticized Jackson over the use of his presidential veto power.

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12y ago

Slavery- its abolition or its preservation and possible expansion to new states and territories was the overweening issue in 1860.

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the national bank

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The National Bank

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Because it had monkey butts

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The Tariff Policy

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Q: What was the major issue during the election of 1832?
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The major issue in the election of 1832 was?

The national bank

What was a major issue in the election of 1832.?

The National Bank

Why did Senators Daniel Webster and Henry Clay force an early vote on rechartering the Bank of the US?

They wanted the bank to be an election issue in 1832. They knew Jackson would veto the bill to recharter, so they timed it to come in an election year.

How did Henry Clay and Daniel Webster make the bank of the US an issue in the election of 1832 Social studies?

they renewed the charter early!

Andrew Jacksons running mate during election 1832?

Here's a simpler answer: John C. Calhoon.

Who was Andrew Jackson's running mate during the election of 1832?

Andrew Jackson's running mate in 1832 was Martin Van Buren.

Who won the US election in 1832?

Andrew Jackson won the election of 1832. He won by a number of votes. This was his second term as president.

Whose plan was it to re-charter the US bank in 1832?

Nicholas Biddle, the president of the bank, was the main force in getting Congress to renew the charter in 1832 which was an election year. When Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill to renew it, it became a campaign issue.

Republican candidate in the 1832 election?

Henry Clay

Prior to 1832 Jackson belonged to the Democratic Republicans and Adams to the National Republicans By the 1832 election these parties were called?

Democrats and Republicans

Jackson defeated what National Republican candidate in the presidential election of 1832?


Who was disenfranchised by the election of 1832?

Women and the poor were disenfranchised meaning they did not have the right to vote