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That state representation at the national level be divided into a two house legislation. The upper house being the place where all states, no matter how large or small the population is, have equal representation. Whereas the in the lower house each state would be represented according to the amount of people in there state.

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Q: What was the most important compromise of the constitutional convention?
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Which of these is a compromise of two proposals for representation that were presented to the Constitutional Convention?

The Connecticut Compromise -Apex

What was the most important aspect of the constitutional convention?

The after party.

What did George Washington talk about at the constitutional convention?

the most important thing was he was the president of the convention the most important thing was he was the president of the convention he was like the father of the convention like James Madison was the father of the constitution.

Which states would gain the most representation in Congress from the Three-Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention?

States with the most number of slaves!

Which states would gain the most representation in Congress from the Three-Fifth Compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention?

States with a large number of slaves.

The most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention was?

At the Constitutional Convention, the most significant disagreement dealt with the issue of representation in the legislature. The convention was held in 1787.

Who was best prepared at the Constitutional Convention?

James Madison was the most prepared for the constitutional convention, nicknamed "Father of the Constitution"

How did the Connecticut Compromise settle the most divisive issue among members of the constitutional convention?

a house of reps and senate was created so each state would have equal representation

How many members make up the house and what is the number based on?

The House of Representatives has 435 voting members. This number was most likely a compromise of many numbers suggested at the constitutional convention.

Who were the four most outstanding colonist in the constitutional convention?

The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Rutledge and James Wilson were four of the most outstanding colonist in the constitutional convention.

What is required in most states to rewrite a constitution?

Constitutional convention

What caused the secession crisis?

The immediate cause was Lincoln's election, but it had been brewing since before the Missouri Compromise. Slavery had become the most divisive aspect of American political life. Had it been dealt with at the Constitutional Convention, the civil war need not have happened, but without the slavery compromise then and there, America may not have been created as a constitutional republic.