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Q: What was the structure of the new national government?
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The structure of the new national government was based on James Madison's witch called for 3 separate branches of government?

The Constitution Of The United States

What defines the structure of the national government?

A constitution.

What form of municipal government closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branches?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What forms of municipal government closely matched the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What form of municipal government closely matches the structure of state and national government what's a distinct executive and legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What was the structure of government in the new empire?

The government of the new German empire was Federalism in form, with power shared between state and national governments.add me on Google plus +Reem Saif and msn !!!

Why the Founding Fathers created a government structure with a weak national government?

They didn’t create a weak national government, but one with a balanced set of powers.

What articles established the basic structure of your national government?

The Preamble

What form of municipal government matches the structure of state and national governments with a distinctive executive and legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What form of municipal government closelymatches the structire of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What form of municipal government closely matches the structures of state and national government with a distinct executive legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What document establishes the structure of the government?

The Articles of Confederation was the first form of National Government For the independent states.