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Eisenhower did not attack his opponents, leaving that job to his running mate, Richard Nixon

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Q: What was true about the presidential elction in 1952?
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What was true about the presidential election of 1952?

Julisa Morrison!

Who were the candidates for the 1952 presidential election?

aldai stevenson

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1952?

Dwight D.Eisenhower/Richard M.Nixon Adlai E.Stevenson/John J.Sparkman

What are the release dates for True Boo - 1952?

True Boo - 1952 was released on: USA: 24 October 1952

What day was the president election in 1952?

1962 Election day for the 1952 presidential election occurred on November 4.

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How do you spell elction?

The correct spelling is "election".

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god NO

What year was the first presidential campaign advertisement aired on television?

In 1952

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Who unseated Truman as the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952?

Adlai Stevenson