A government that listens to the wishes of the voters.
With the initiative, voters could petition state legislatures to consider a bill.
A democracy - a democratic government of publicly elected representatives.
The Democratic Party did not want black voters to influence candidate choices.-Shay
The definition of prospective voting is a democratic process where voters will choose a party that suits what they expect from the government. People express their expectations from the government that would come into power in the future.
tenant farmers
Voters that don't support either the democratic or republican parties are known as independent voters. These voters can be libertarian, green party, or just about anything they like.
No they did not keep a list of their voters.
the democratic party
Democratic party
A democratic republic nation is one in which voters elect their own representatives. Some nations that are democratic republic are Nepal, Congo, and Ethiopia.
A government that listens to the wishes of the voters.
A democratic republic
us history
The Democratic Party
It has a strong majority of elected democrats.