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A. Caucuses B. Platforms C. Conventions D. Compromises
The democratic party was created because of the presidency of Andrew Jackson. When he was running for president, he had a whole new political belief, which didn't fit the description of a federalist or a republican. So, to compromise for Jackson's odd political beliefs, he and his followers created the Democratic Party.
No Democratic presidential candidate has won a majority of the white southern vote since 1964.
Germany's political factors is directly correlated to German political beliefs and culture. Germans believe in basic rights, as well as a democratic and social federal state.
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Democratic election
Harry S. Truman was a part of the Democratic party.
The government of Brunei is run by a Sultan. It is not democratic and its laws are often based on religious beliefs.
fedralist with a little bit of democratic-republican
democratic election
To be in Congress with all the other people in the democratic party
A core democratic belief is that the government can use your money more wisely than you can.
The Republican and Democratic parties do exist to maintain their own power.
His beliefs were in line with Jeffersonian-Republicans, in the election of 1824 he was considered a Democratic-Republican, by the 1828 election he dropped Republican and became the first president of the Democratic party. Don't confuse his Democratic party with the modern Democratic party. The names/party is the same, but ideas on the role of government are different.