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because Britain wanted to keep her enermys close

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Both nations were concerned with nation security. They also wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power.

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Q: What were the concerns and aims of France and Britain in World War 1?
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What were the concerns and aims of France Britain?

France and Britain were both concern with nation security and they wanted to stip Germany of its war-making powers.

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Anyone could have assassinated Hitler in 1936, but the English had no way of knowing what a monster he was until they found out he was a trickster and liar and murderer in 1939 September. no, the british and France had both signed an argreement with Hitler that he take no mor territory, yet he was secretly STILL taking over countries, and by the time Britain and France had found out, France had second to none troops to build a resistance and Britain could not attack alone.

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