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Q: What were the group of settlers called that were elected representatives of Jamestown?
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What are the districts called from which representatives are elected?


What is A state ruled by elected representatives called?


What are some settlers who founded Jamestown?

The Virginia Company founded Jamestown,Virginia in 1607. They called it that after England's King James I.

What is an elected member of municipal corporation are called?

The elected representatives can be called council women, council men or council persons. They can also be referred to as council representatives.

A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives?

A government run by elected representatives is called a republican form of government.

What is a government called when people choose representatives to govern them?

A democracy - a democratic government of publicly elected representatives.

What do you call the people who are elected to serve in the state government?

They are called Representatives.

What are elected representatives chosen by state citizens called?


How are representatives selected for the House of Representatives?

Representatives (also called Congressmen and Congresswomen) are elected by the voters who live in the district they represent.representative in us are nominated

How do the house of representitives get elected?

The house representatives become elected by the people in a national or state election, and once these representatives become elected they vote on what they want to see change or happen; this is a political system called a republic.

What government witch the citizens rule through elected representatives called?

This is called the continental congress

Rule by the people with elected representitives?

Government that is ruled by the people through elected representatives is called a democracy.