ıÜüA positive effect is seen in document one called "Modern Progressive Nations," it shows how the larger nations gave to the smaller colonies. The nations built them roads, canals, and railways. Showed them the telegraph, newspaper, established schools for them, gave them the blessing of their civilization, and overall made them economized. They were part of modern culture after this occurred. Another positive effect is seen in document three called "Colonial Governments and Missionaries. " It shows how the colonial governments introduced improved medical care, and better methods of sanitation. There were new crops; tools and farming methods, which helped, increase food production. These changes meant less death to smaller colonies, and overall improve the state of living. They now could live longer and have better sanitation compared to the earlier imperialism. If we give an example, British imperialism on India had many positive and negative affects on both the mother country, Britain and the colony, India. Many people would argue which effects were more prominent in these countries and some would agree that they were equal. But in both cases there were actually both.
Another example would be the building of the Panama Canal.Before without the Panama Canal, if you wanted to go from the Atlantic to the Pacific or the Pacific to the Atlantic, you would have to sail around the tip of South America at Drake's Passage and then continue your passage in the Atlantic.After the Us came and purchased the Canal Zone, they began to build it.And then after it was built,you could easily cut through the canal saving money and time.This is another example as to how imperialism benefits small countries.
one positive effect was the spread of ideas, such as firearm technology and the spread of Christianity. However, both of these had some downsides: firearms were used in warfare which inevitably killed many people and the spread of Christianity in Japan lead to persecution of followers after the Japanese became suspicious of European motives.
There were few positive effects for the African people themselves. One of these was the fact that a very limited number of Africans were offered a western education, but the negatives for the people far outweighed this. (The Imperialism process was definitely good for the European powers. Raw materials from colonies boosted the European economies and added to their power and influence.)
There were, however, several negative effects. The literacy rates were low and infant mortality rates were very high in Africa and other colonized countries. Also, industrialization and civilization in general were almost nonexistent in Africa at the time. In general, there was injustice for the African people. Africa was controlled by European powers who never took quality of life for African citizens into consideration; their only thought was for personal gain, to increase their influence. Even after African territories gained independence, the governments were anything but stable, and war broke out all over the continent. Imperialism basically created injustice in Africa.
The most long-lasting effect was the arbitrary political boundaries which European monarchies established, and which ignored the previous tribal system. Most of these boundaries are still here today, and have been one of the major causes for African civil wars and conflicts in general.
(See the Wikipedia article "Scramble for Africa". It's pretty accurate. Also see the question "What were the negative and positive effects of imperialism in Africa on the colonized?")
Strange as that may seem now, the main reason for Britain's involvement in Africa in the late 19th century was 'stopping slavery', next to bringing the blessings of Christianity to Africa and the Eastern countries, of which India was the most important. It is a little known fact that slavery was rampant in all of Africa since long before the arrival of the first Europeans along the coast, until well after the time that the European countries and the US had outlawed it themselves. The infamous transatlantic slave trade was despite its numbers a relatively modest tap-off from the massive inter-African slave trade over the centuries.
The main positive effect was that it did stop slavery of Africans by Africans. Whether the introduction of Christianity was a positive effect is of course a matter of opinion. Other positive effects were the building of an infrastructure in the occupied countries and the setting up of things like a health care system and a system of efficient administration.
In India, the positive effects were roughly the same only with 'ending slavery' substituted by 'fighting India's Caste System'. In this case, Britain did not do as well and the caste system - officially outlawed but still very much alive - still is the reason for many of India's social problems.
The negative effects were, among others, the drawing of country borders often still existing today that take little heed of traditional, religious and tribal differences. British (and other foreign) imperialism also often meant the end of traditional culture and habits if these conflicted with British interests or sensibilities. Plus, the monopolizing of foreign trade, commercial large-scale farming and industrial development by British companies during the roughly 70 years that the British ruled in Africa and the 100 years that they were the official rulers of a great part of India.
positive: gives nutrient soil and gives free heating. negative: kills people and ash is poisonous.
Positive effects of imperialism in Egypt are the industrialization of the nation and better sanitation and education. Negative effects are the amount of money that had to be paid to the British and that the British brought new disease.
i wish i knew
There is nothing positive to anything involved with the use of military might; the spreader of terror! there is positive effects on the presidents military power the president trains the men to do out for battle if and when needed and the negative effects from it is that men are dying from the wars in the world. ---- terrorism: 1. Political violence: violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes. 2. Result of the accumulation of errors made by political leaders through history. [, English. v. err, To be mistaken, or make a mistake. n. Ierror.] For we know him that hath said, Vengence belongeth unto me, I will recompense, Cause shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. [HEBREWS 10:30-31.] Then may I ask? What are the religious principles this country is founded upon?
what are the negative effects of Urbanization on housing their slums and tenements
The primary negative effects of the Columbian Exchange were death, disease, and slavery. Positive effects included the incorporation of European methods of agriculture, and the introduction to the Americas of animals such as horses.
what is the positive and nagetive effects
what are the positive and negative effects of globalization to hopitality industry?
negative effects
what are the positive and negative affect of a sinkhole
Negative effects are can cause flooding if broken
There were positive effects as well as negative effects
The desert had many positive and negative effects of the desert.
Positive for the colonists and negative for those colonized.
what are positive effects of bio fuel
Positive: Environmental Negative: loss of soverignty
not sure about positive but negative is wars, racism,vandillism