Chinese Emigration first began in 1850 after the California Gold rush. Chinese workers were normally railroad laborers that were skilled in the use of dynamite.
America feels really bad because the population of Muslims is increasing year by year
The Year of America's 200th birthday is 1976.
When in the year 2014 they crashed off a bridge
Aside from their work on the Transcontinental Railroad, Chinese immigrants were confined to low payi8ng, menial jobs. There was a lot of racism at the time, and Chinese immigrants were often set upon by mobs of whites who believed they were taking away jobs. Anti-Chinese activism became so intense that the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was passed, banning further Chinese immigrants.
Some may have come earlier, but the gold rush of 1849 is recorded as the first time.
Prior to the 20th century, there was only one way to come to ship.
Originally the Chinese came as part of the California Gold Rush of 1849. not true. The Chinese came to America for the transcontnental railroad.
They came to join their father (who came because of the gold rush) in America to live.
ex-ese the Chinese
around 1944
Wooden Boats.
they got on boats