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Q: When Odysseus feels his story has been long enough about whom does Alcinoos want to hear?
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The story of Odysseus is the Odyssey.

For what does Agamemnon congratulate Odysseus after hearing Aphimedon's story?

Agamemnon congratulates Odysseus on his strength after hearing Aphimedon's story. Odysseus is the main character in Homer's story "The Odyssey".

How is The Odyssey a frame story?

There are multiple narrators: The bard tells the story of odysseus, while odysseus tell his story to king alcinous.

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Because Odysseus had blinded Poseidon's son(the cyclopse)

For what does Agamemnon congratulate Odysseus after hearing Aphimedon?

Agamemnon congratulates Odysseus on his strength after hearing Aphimedon's story. Odysseus is the main character in Homer's story "The Odyssey".

In the book the Odyssey Odysseus tells his story in Scheria although the story ends up in Ithaca please explain?

they send Odysseus from there to Ithaca after he tells his story.

What book of the story of Odysseus includes Odysseus avoiding the Sirens?

Book 12

Is the Odysseus story true?


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Who wrote the story of Odysseus?


Who is Odysseus telling his story to?

Odysseus is not the one who is telling the story. This is all Greek mythology from Homer. No one truly knows if Homer really existed, but this epic was passed down from ancient Greece.