A system of government by groups or officals?
A system of government by a group of officials would be an oligarchy.
An "oligarchy" is a system of government by groups or officials. It is a government that is run be several people as a group. It is distinguished from a "monarch", which is a government run by one person.A system of government run by groups or officials is bureaucratic.A bureaucracy is a system of government by groups of officials. An autocracy is a system of government where one person rules with total power.
so i personally think its an anarchy, but i have no clue
the french
Because it does AND IT ISInterest groups are considered to be a type of linkage institution because they serve as a link between the government and the people
the french
The Pakistan government is involved in funding the terrorist groups, but its not a terrorist country itself!
so that people in government can be in different groups based on their ideas
The barbarian tribes threatened Europe. The word "barbarian " is Greek for the "other".
None of your business
A federal government can link different groups within a country. This type of government shares powers and responsibilities between a central authority and regional or local governments, allowing different groups to have representation and decision-making power. Additionally, democratic systems with mechanisms such as elections and political parties aim to provide representation and bridge the gaps between diverse groups within a country.