Freedom of speech does not protect against treason, violation of national security, extreme obscenity, dangerous speech (such as shouting "fire" in a crowded place), or conspiracy. It also does not protect one who knowingly lies to harm another person (perjury, libel, slander). Freedom of speech does not allow anyone to disrupt lawful processes - for example shouting down a teacher or outbursts in a courtroom.
When you yell "fire!" in a movie theater, "bomb" on a plane, or when you say anything concerning the safety of the of the president and any other form of treason. If you verbally threaten to injure or kill someone, it can put you in jail with the proper evidence. You probably can't say things like "gun!" inside a bank if it's not true. Don't try your luck with cops or you might get tased for hurting their ego. List goes on and on.
No technically freedom of speech does not apply to minors. A good example would be a school censoring a students article in a school news paper which would be perfectly ok to do.
Is virtual freedom of speech the same of freedom of speech in other media outlets
freedom of speech
freedom of speech
The guarantee of freedom of speech and the press apply to government limits on your freedom, not your employer's limits. For example, if you work at Gimbel's department store, the government could not stop you from wearing a shirt that advertises for Macy's, but you r employer could. Essentially, because you are free to find another job, your employer can limit your activities in the workplace in ways that the government is not allowed.
When you threaten someone
No technically freedom of speech does not apply to minors. A good example would be a school censoring a students article in a school news paper which would be perfectly ok to do.
Is virtual freedom of speech the same of freedom of speech in other media outlets
the 5 freedoms are freedom of press. freedom of speech. freedom of religion. freedom of Assembly and freedom of petition
Yes they do have freedom of speech.
freedom of speech
What state don't have freedom of speech
no its the same.
freedom of speech
freedom of speech
The guarantee of freedom of speech and the press apply to government limits on your freedom, not your employer's limits. For example, if you work at Gimbel's department store, the government could not stop you from wearing a shirt that advertises for Macy's, but you r employer could. Essentially, because you are free to find another job, your employer can limit your activities in the workplace in ways that the government is not allowed.
The 1st Amendment deals with the freedom of speech.