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FL has 27 electoral votes FL has 27 electoral votes

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Related questions

Does California have the same electoral votes as Rhode Island?

No, California has 55 electoral votes while Rhode Island has 4. Each of the individual electoral votes are worth the same amount.

Why does Idaho have only 2 electoral votes?

Electoral votes are based on population. Each state gets the same number of electoral votes as the number of Congressmen in the House of Representatives. Idaho, with a small population has two Congressmen and hence, two electoral votes.

Why did the house of representatives decide the winners in the election of 1824?

None of the candidates got enough votes in the Electoral College.

How many states can a candidate win and still lose the election?

When referring to the Electoral College and Presidential elections, a candidate can win by taking: California (55 electoral votes) Texas (28 electoral votes) Florida (29 electoral votes) New York (29 electoral votes) Illinois (20 electoral votes) Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes) Ohio (18 electoral votes) Georgia (16 electoral votes) Michigan (16 electoral votes) New Jersey (15 electoral votes) Virginia (14 electoral votes) - a total of 11 states for 270 electoral votes which means a candidate can lose the other 39 states and District of Columbia and still win the election.

Which of the following is not an objection to the way the Electoral College works?

The Electoral college gives the same number of votes to all of the states (NovaNET)----the electoral college gives the same number of votes to all of the states (novanet)----

Which state has more electoral votes Kansas or Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania currently has more electoral votes with 20 electoral votes to Kansas' 6 electoral votes.

How many electoral votes does have Alabama have?

Alabama has 9 electoral votes.

Who had the most electoral votes Kansas or West Virginia?

Kansas has 6 electoral votes to West Virginia's 5.West Virginia briefly had more electoral than Kansas in their first 2 presidential elections in 1864 and 1868, with 5 electoral votes to 3. Otherwise, Kansas has had more or the same number of electoral votes.

What is the number of electoral votes?

270 electoral votes

Did Obama and mcCain receive the same number of electoral votes?


Did each state get the same number of votes in the electoral college?


What type of votes actually elect the president-?

Electoral votes are the type of votes that actual elect the president.