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Q: When The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence must be notified of any unauthorized disclosure of classified information to the public media.?
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Who determines which component has investigates primacy when responsibility for an inquiry into an unauthorized public media disclosure is unclear?

office of the under secretary of denfense

What does freedom of rhe press mean?

Freedom of the press consists of constitutional or statutory protections pertaining to the media and published materials. With respect to governmental information, any government distinguishes which materials are public or protected from disclosure to the public based on classification of information as sensitive, classified or secret and being otherwise protected from disclosure due to relevance of the information to protecting the national interest. Many governments are also subject to sunshine laws or freedom of information legislation that are used to define the ambit of national interest. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers

What act tightened lobbying regulations by closing many loopholes?

The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995

Which President established the SEC?

The creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission was considered part of Franklin Delano Rooseveltâ??s New Deal legislation. Following the Great Depression there was a great deal of distrust of the stock market. These laws were passed to increase public trust in capital market by requiring complete disclosure.

Is the clep for American government easy?

Most people say that it is a very tough exam. I passed it without too much of a problem, although I am very interested in American Government. If you want a guarantee that you will pass, check out They give you a 100% Guarantee that you will pass the exam, or your money back. **Full Disclosure* I am an employee of, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*

Related questions

An authorized disclosure is defined as a communication or physical transfer of classified information to an unauthorized recipient?


when Cleared employees may be sent to prison for unauthorized disclosure of classified information?


Could military members be subject to dishonorable discharge for unauthorized disclosure of classified information?


What law prohibits a person from obtaining unauthorized access to restricted government information?

Restricted government information is considered classified. The law prohibiting access and disclosure of this information is contained in 18 US Code 798, Disclosure of classified information.

What Unauthorized disclosure that provides insight to adversaries on how the information was obtained and by whom?

what unauthorized disclosure that can cause casualties

The be classified or maintained as information must meet all of the following criteria except?

the unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause embarrassment to the US govt

To be classified or maintained as classified information must meet all of the following criteria except?

The information must not be vital to national security.

Which type of information requires clear markings and a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security?


when A classified data spill, or Negligent Discharge of Classified Information (NDCI),?

Is the accidental or intentional unauthorized disclosure of classified information across computer systems

Identify each category of damage from the description provided?

- Damage to Sources and Methods is an unauthorized disclosure that provides insight to adversaries on how the information was obtained and by whom. -Potential Loss of Life is an unauthorized disclosure that can cause casualties. -Effect on International Alliances is an unauthorized disclosure that impacts a foreign government's or intelligence service's willingness to work jointly with the U.S. -Financial Costs is an unauthorized disclosure that requires significant amounts of money to correct. -Impact to Foreign Policy is an unauthorized disclosure that may damage political relationships, negatively effecting the creation and implementation of foreign policy. -Distorting Public Perception is an unauthorized disclosure that influences public opinion.

What can unauthorized disclosure of Secret information cause?

all of the above

What type of a research group is Disclosure Project?

The Disclosure Project is a research group that is working towards fully disclose the facts about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence, and other related classified information.