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Prohibition Party was created in 1869.

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Q: When was Prohibition Party created?
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When was Scottish Prohibition Party created?

Scottish Prohibition Party was created in 1901.

Prohibition in 1917 was what political party idea?

The Democratic party and the Prohibition party.

What kind of party was the Prohibition Party?

The Prohibition Party was, and continues to be, a single-issue political third party.

What does the prohibition party stand for?

The Prohibition Party, which still exists in the US, calls for the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages.

When did Scottish Prohibition Party end?

Scottish Prohibition Party ended in 1935.

The Prohibition Party was an example of?

The Prohibition Party was and is (it still exists) a single issue third political party.

What are theThe Prohibition Party was an example of a?

The Prohibition Party is (it still exists) both a third party and a single-issue party.

The prohibition party is an example of?

A third party.

What third parties stood for prohibition party - progressive party or greenback party or free soil party or know nothing party or bull mose party?

The Progressive Party represented prohibition.

What type of minor party is the prohibition party?

Third party

What were the goals of prohibition?

To prevent people from drinking any alcoholic beverages.

What was the single-issue party that opposed alcohol?

The Prohibition Party