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Q: Where Washington contracted smallpox?
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Is it smallpox contracted or is it genetic?

It's contracted.

Who observed that those who had contracted cowpox neveeeer contracted smallpox?

edward jenner

Did George Washington have birth marks or scars?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that George Washington had any birthmarks. However, he did have several scars, including one on his forehead which was likely the result of a childhood illness. He also had scars on his legs from smallpox inoculation.

How many Aztecs died from smallpox?

3.5 million Aztecs were killed by smallpox brought by the Europeans when Cortes (Cortez) found Mexico. After the Aztecs contracted it from a Spanish solider, which had contracted it from an African Slave

Was George Washington sterile?

It is impossible to be certain but it is believed that George Washington was indeed rendered sterile due to a smallpox diagnosis he contracted as a teenager. The Father of Our Country was only father to America, and never had any biological children.

At what age did George Washington get smallpox?

George Washington was 20 years old when he got smallpox.

Who developed a vaccination for smallpox?

Louis PasteurEdward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...Note: Developed not invented

Who developed a smallpox vaccine?

Louis PasteurEdward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...Note: Developed not invented

What disease did George Washington contract in the barbados?

he contracted smallpox, which ended up being very beneficial during he American Revolution. Numerous soldiers were struck down from the dreaded disease, and Washington was immune. This helped him to promote the first mass inoculation in the US.

What did eward jenner discover about the relationship between smallpox and cowpox?

cowpox gives immunity to smallpox. Jenner observed that people who worked with cattle and contracted cowpox from them.

Who invented the small pox vaccination?

Edward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...

Did Neil Armstrong beat the smallpox disease?

To my knowledge he never contracted the disease, so in a sense he beat it.