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The government gets its power to govern as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence from the constitution.

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consent of governed

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From the declaration, and from the people

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Q: Where does the declaration of independence say governments get their power?
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IS it grammatically correct to say Declaration of Independence or independence declaration?

It's the Declaration of Independence. The thirteen colonies declared their independence from Great Britain.

What did the declaration of independence say to England?

The declaration of independence declare war to England.

What does the author say about the bulk of content in the declaration of independence?

The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.

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The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.

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The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.

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The declaration of Independence didn't say anything about a "ruler". It was a letter to the king listing the reasons why the colonies wanted to be free and then declaring independence.

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The Declaration of Independence said that Britain and their king abused the rights of the American colonists. It listed the charges against the king including his abuse of power and imposing taxes on them without their consent.

Who does the declaration say that governments derive their just powers to govern?

The People.

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the colonists

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No not a word.