John Adams used it.
The Green Party is a USA political party in the USA and I believe it has "partner" parties in other nations as well. In the United States, the Green Party can be termed a party whose emphasis is on environmental issues. This party tries to protect the environment and lobbies for laws to protect endangered species and even the trees located in the major rain forests.
Yes green is the new black!!!! SO GO GREEN!!!! Yes green is the new black!!!! SO GO GREEN!!!!
One popular explanation is that the "Living room" came about after the custom of displaying the bodies of the deceased in the parlor was discontinued and a new name for this room (as opposed to the "family room") was created to distinguish it from that former custom as a room for the living only.
How did the colonists lay a room in oil
The green room is the Assembly room.
Its in the cup with the green goo in it next to the pie.
Green Room Club was created in 1877.
Green Room Awards was created in 1982.
the green room is used for growing plants
It's, like, a room that's painted green.
The Green Room - album - was created on 2001-09-04.
The duration of The Green Room with Paul Provenza is 1800.0 seconds.
The Green Room with Paul Provenza was created on 2010-06-10.