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The U. S. Constitution doesn't say anything about popular votes in presidential elections. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 leaves the method for choosing electors totally up to each state.

Rules pertaining to the electoral college are in Article II Section 1 Clause 2 and in the 12th and 14th Amendments.

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Q: Which Amendment makes it possible that a presidential candidate can lose the popular vote but still win the electoral vote and the election?
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Which state had the most electoral votes in the 2000 presidential election?

George W.Bush,the 2000 republican presidential candidate won the presidential election of 2000.

Who was the Republican candidate for President in the election of 2008?

Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John McCain. In the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama received 365 electoral votes and John McCain received 173 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Obama 69,297,997 and McCain 59,597,520.

What political party did Strom Thurmond represent in the 1948 presidential election?

Harry Truman won the 1948 presidential election defeating Thomas Dewey. In the 1948 presidential election Democratic Party candidate Harry Truman received 303 electoral votes, Republican Party candidate Thomas Dewey received 189 electoral votes, and Dixiecrat Party candidate Strom Thurmond received 39 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Truman 24,179,345, Dewey 21,991,291, and Thurmond 1,169,021. Progressive Party candidate Henry A. Wallace received 1,157,172 popular votes for President, but no electoral votes.

How many electoral votes must a canidate win to be elected president?

A Presidential candidate must obtain 270 Electoral Votes (the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election) to be elected President of the United States.

The first act of the new Congress which convened on March 4 1789 was to count the that were cast in the presidential election?

counting the electoral votes that were cast in the presidential election

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A presidential election is won by the candidate who?

A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

A presidential election is won by candidates who?

A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

Which amendment makes it possible bthat a presidential candidate can lose the popular vote but still win the electoral vote and the election?


Which amendment makes it possible that a president candidate can lose the popular vote but still win the electoral vote and the election?

The amendment in question is not responsible for allowing a presidential candidate to lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote. This is a consequence of the design of the Electoral College, outlined in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. The Electoral College system can result in a discrepancy between the popular vote and the electoral vote, as it is the latter that ultimately determines the outcome of the presidential election.

Which state had the most electoral votes in the 2000 presidential election?

George W.Bush,the 2000 republican presidential candidate won the presidential election of 2000.

Can a presidential candidate win an election without the majority of the electoral college vote?


What is a safe state within the electoral college?

The first presidential election in which the District of Columbia participated was the election of 1964. Since the passage of this amendment, the District's electoral votes have been cast for the Democratic Party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates in every election.

In the 1960 presidential election the Democratic candidate defeated the Republican candidate?

Democratic Party candidate John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate Richard Nixon. In the 1960 presidential election John F. Kennedy received 303 electoral votes, Richard Nixon received 219 electoral votes, and Harry Byrd received 15 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Kennedy 34,226,731 and Nixon 34,108,157.

Who was the republic candidate for president election in 2008?

Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John McCain. In the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama received 365 electoral votes and John McCain received 173 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Obama 69,297,997 and McCain 59,597,520.

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What is the highest number of electoral votes won by a candidate in a presidential election?

520 by Richard Nixon in 1972

Who was the Republican candidate that received the most electoral votesin the presidential election of 1876?

Rutherford P. Hayes