The longest inaugural address was 1 hour and 41 minutes and given by William Henry Harrison in 1841. He also had the distinction of having the shortest presidential term at 1 month after contracting pneumonia at the inauguration.
William Henry Harrison at 8445 words
William Howard Taft at 5429 words
James K. Polk at 4801 words
James Monroe at 4462 words in his second inaugural address
Benjamin Harrison at 4387 words
Calvin Coolidge at 4056 words
William McKinley at 3966 words
Martin Van Buren at 3892 words
Herbert Hoover at 3751 words
Abraham Lincoln at 3638 words
From a few minutes to a few hours. William Henry Harrison delivered the longest address lasting an hour-and-forty-five-minutes. George Washington's second address was 135 words, about 4 minutes.
William Henry Harrison
George Washington's second address was the shortest (135 words), and William Henry Harrison delivered the longest (8,495 words).
President William Henry Harrison delivered history's longest inaugural address, a nearly two-hour, 8,445-word speech in the face of an icy wind, without hat or overcoat. Harrison died of pneumonia less than two months later.
They have a maximum of two terms of four years, so eight years is the longest they can serve.
William Henry Harrison on March 4, 1841 delivered an 8,445-word-long inaugural speech which was the longest, lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes.He delivered his speech on a cold wet day, soon developed pneumonia and died after serving only one month as President.
From a few minutes to a few hours. William Henry Harrison delivered the longest address lasting an hour-and-forty-five-minutes. George Washington's second address was 135 words, about 4 minutes.
William Henry Harrison
Strom Thurmond
George Washington's second address was the shortest (135 words), and William Henry Harrison delivered the longest (8,495 words).
Last the longestΒ
former Indonesian president Mr. Soekarno
That is a matter of opinion that is rather early to decide. His speech was widely regarded as very good. Among the great inaugural addresses that have won admiration are Lincoln's second (1865), F. D. Roosevelt's first (1933), and John F. Kennedy's (1961). W. H. Harrison's only claim to fame (1841) is that his address was the longest ever and it made him catch cold and die a month later.
The longest presidential reign in Kenya was 24 years by Daniel Arap Moi.
Not sure about the longest Inauguration ceremony, because traditionally the programs are followed by parties for 5 days... But the Longest inaugural address (10,000 words) was given on March 4, 1841 -by President William H. Harrison
Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan were the two who lived the longest.
As of 2018, Jefferson had the 9th-longest lifespan of any US President, having died at the age of 83.