According to my research, Anuket is the goddess you are searching for.
The changing role of women in 1920s America was embodied by the image of the "Flapper".
It is the rights embodied in the Constitution and that these rights cannot be changed or repelled by Congress through legislation.
"the merit system embodied in civil service exams"
In many countries a landmark case sets a legal precedent and is embodied into law
appearances can be deceiving
What renaissance values are embodied in this painting?
He embodied everything that was good about people by his actions in helping them.
what are the basic locational and attributes concept embodied in cartography
Yes. Embodied energy represents the complete sum of energy required to produce, maintain, and dispose of a material or product. Because the production of a house requires the input of energy by construction workers (as well as architects, designers, engineers, and so on), their energy use is a portion of a building's embodied energy. The energy required to swing a hammer is no different than the energy required run electric machinery, it just takes different forms.
The Embodied Thought - 1916 was released on: USA: 27 January 1916
The answer is the scarab, symbol of the Egyptian god Khepri and Poe's "gold-bug". The "vermin" into which Gregor Samsa is transformed is not positively an insect (in Kafka'sDie Verwandlung) but is sometimes identified as a cockroach.
The changing role of women in 1920s America was embodied by the image of the "Flapper".
The changing role of women in 1920s America was embodied by the image of the "Flapper".
It was considered to be a reaction against the plays that embodied naturalism and realism at the turn of the 20th Century. The dialogue and style of acting in symbolist plays was highly stylised and non-naturalistic.
despair embodied
Satan is a mythical being. He is not embodied.