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Q: Which culture is MOST closely associated with seafaring?
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Which culture most closely associated with seafaring trading and establishing colonies on other continents that border the Mediterranean sea?

That would be the very ancient Phoenicians (1550 BC-300 BC).See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information:

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Which culture is the most closely associated with seafaring trading and establishing colonies on other continents that the Mediterranean sea?

That would be the very ancient Phoenicians (1550 BC-300 BC).See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information:

Which culture is most closely associated with seafaring trade and establishing colonies on other continents that border the Mediterraneans sea?

That would be the very ancient Phoenicians (1550 BC-300 BC).See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information:

What culture is most closely associated with trading colonies in other continents that border the mediterranean sea?


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