The ancient Romans did not have three branches of government. Their government could be loosely divided into two branches, the Senate and the Roman People. SPQR. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial are an American innovation.
Which sentence in the excerpt supports the claim that the American colonies could thrive independently from Britain?
The Declaration of Independence could be described in may ways. There is no "best" one.It was a statement of American existenceIt was a statement of American identityIt was, and still is a statement of American hope for the country and for the people.And, of course, it can be described as a statement of American independence - the very reason for the existence of the document.
People who refused to answer the questions of the House Un-American Activities Committee could be blacklisted, charged with contempt of Congress, lose their jobs, and be labeled as Anti-American.
The Confederacy had severe limitations in its struggle to become an independent nation. The main problem it had in the conduct of the US Civil War was the lack of manpower it had in comparison with the North. The Union had a much larger pool of men to fight the war, while the South, with a significantly smaller population, could not fight an extended war.
It extended the number of hours in the day when people could work and play.
You could purchase an extended warranty on your vehicle by the company that manufactures your car. You should be able to find a number for that company inside your car guide.
It extended the number of hours in the day when people could work and play. -NovaNet
1. How could the Honda Corporation capitalize on innovation at the dealer level?
The opposite of extended (moved out) could be retracted (moved in). The opposite of extended (relaxed, as with a muscle) is contracted.
First create a culture for innovation then get some help. Have a look at the case study by searching ideaken case study on Google. Also, you could look into the book called open innovation and open service innovation,for which the author Henry Chesbrugh has written about the topic. It is worth a while to read it.
You could be thinking of the railroad.
There are many ways to contact the company called American Blinds and Wallpaper. You could walk in, email them or if you simply wanted to call the phone number is 18005858016.
A number of countries used it as an opportunity to fight Great Britain.
A number of countries used it as an opportunity to fight Great Britain.