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right against exploitation

right of freedom of religion

right of property

freedom of speech and expression

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Q: Which of the following fundamental rights have been deleted from the constitution through the constitutional amendment?
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Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does not address or guarantee voting rights?

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?That would be the 7th Amendment.7th Amendment

What words were added in the preamble of the constitution of India by the 42 amendment?

which of the following words was added into preamble of the constitution by the 42nd amendment act 1976

Following the approval at the constitutional convention the constitution was sent to?

The states for ratification

Which article describes the amendment process?

Article V. Either Congress or the states (in constitutional convention) PROPOSE amendments, but only the states ratify. Once the states ratify, the Constitution IS changed - Congress has no role following ratification. The states never need Congress's permission to amend.

The 18th Amendment is unique because?

The Eighteenth Amendment (Amendment XVIII) of the United States Constitution effectively established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring the production, transport, and sale of alcohol (though not the consumption or private possession) illegal. The Amendment was the first to set a time delay before it would take effect following ratification, and the first to set a time limit for its ratification by the states. Its ratification was certified on January 16, 1919, with the amendment taking effect on January 16, 1920.The amendment was repealed in 1933 by ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, the only instance in United States history that a constitutional amendment was repealed in its entirety.

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Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does not address or guarantee voting rights?

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?That would be the 7th Amendment.7th Amendment

Which of the following is not a fundamental right in Indian Constitution?

right to property

What words were added in the preamble of the constitution of India by the 42 amendment?

which of the following words was added into preamble of the constitution by the 42nd amendment act 1976

Following approval at the constitutional convention the constitution was sent to  ?

The states for ratification

Which of the following is a check on the judicial branch?

Passing a new amendment to the constitution.

When was slavery stoped?

Following the civil war, with the 13th amendment to the US Constitution.

How is the Nigerian Constitution amended?

Nigeria constitution can be amend through th following process 1 by legislative procedures 2 by referendum amendment 3 federal amendment 4 judicial amendment 5 conventional and custom amendment 6 coup d'etat amendment

Which of the following is not a Fundamental right in Indian the US Constitution?

Right against ExploitationRight against Exploitation

Did the delegates at the constitutional convention end the slave trade effective immediately following the ratification of the constitution?


What kinds of government does Japan have?

Constitutional monarchyA Constitutional Monarchy.yes yesConstitutional monarchy

Following the approval at the constitutional convention the constitution was sent to?

The states for ratification

What year did they start writing the US Constitution?

1776 was the first constitutional congress