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Native Americans became Christians after contact with Spanish conquistadors.

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Q: Which of the following was a result of one culture forcing customs on another culture?
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What was a result of one culture forcing customs on another culture?

One result could be cultural erosion or the loss of traditional practices, beliefs, and values of the culture being forced upon. This can lead to resentment, identity crisis, and conflict within the community.

What was the policy forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups?

Russifictaion was the policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire.

The following practices are protected under the Free Exercise Clause except .?

forcing ones beliefs on another (grad point) ;)

What was the policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire?

Russifictaion was the policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire.

What is another word for kidnapping and forcing someone to do something?

Another word for kidnapping and forcing someone to do something is "abduction."

What are the influences of African culture on contemporary Christianity in Ghana?

The influence on the African culture from the contemporary Christianity in Ghana is a diverse in the culture. It is not much of a teaching as of a forcing to accept.

What is culture imposition?

Culture imposition is the act of forcing your beliefs, behaviors and values on someone else. Many religions and some countries have been and continue to guilty of culture imposition.

Forcing sailors to serve in another navy?

Pressgang was forcing ordinary people in a port onto a boat to be sailors.

Why did goal of assimilation of Native Americans have limited success?

Basically because the Native Americans were there first and liked their culture where it was. A number of aspects of European culture like land ownership were immoral according to the religious beliefs of Native Americans of that time period. Also, the settlers were very hostile and tried forcing their culture on others. If they had made inroads, set up schools according to Native American customs and let the kids keep their culture, it would have been different.

The practice of capturing sailors and forcing them to serve on a ship from another country was?


What are the sentence for forcing?

Sentence for forcing: Why are you forcing me to do this?

What will happen when rock layers slide on one another?

a volcano will erupt forcing its magma to escape.