Franklin Roosevelt
The 32nd president of the United States was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt held office from March 4, 1933 until his death on April 12, 1945.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt served 12 years in office.
The New Deal was Franklin Roosevelt's program for stimulating the economy.
Two; Theodore ("Teddy') Roosevelt and Franklin RooseveltTwo US Presidents are named Roosevelt. Theodore, the 26th President, and Franklin D., the 32nd President.2, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt was famous for his stamp collection.
The New Deal is the name of the program which describes the collection of social programs put together under President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s to lessen human misery and end the economic downturn called the Great Depression.
Franklin Roosevelt was known the world over for his stamp collection.
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt had a large stamp collection. I think he was the only President who collected stamps.
Franklin Roosevelt is a character in the show.
Franklin roosevelt Franklin roosevelt
No, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States.
Franklin roosevelt.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt was president.