Multiple-choice questions only work when the choices are listed. That said, here are the four men who assassinated Presidents listed with the corresponding President: John Wilkes Booth (Abraham Lincoln), Charles Guiteau (James A. Garfield), Leon Czolgosz (William McKinley), and Lee Harvey Oswald (John F. Kennedy).
African American men
Andrew Johnson became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Chester Alan Arthur became President after James Garfield was assassinated. Theodore Roosevelt became President after William McKinley was assassinated. Lyndon B. Johnson became President after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Having an African American president. All men are created equal, so all men have the same opportunities in life.
The President that first said all men are created equal was Thomas Jefferson. He was the third president of the United States.
The first men as president didn't take payment. They were wealthy men in their own right.
No, he was assassinated, dead men can't run for president.
Martin Luther King Jr. Robert F. Kennedy
His own men cornered and assassinated him.
He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. The co-conspirators were David Herold, Lewis Powell who were supposed to kill the Secretary of State and George Azerodt who was suppose to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson.
Rob Reiner
Caligula was killed in a passageway leading from the Circus to the palace. The spot was selected because it was rather narrow and his bodyguards would have little or no chance to defend him. Archaeologists recently unearthed the passageway where they believe Caligula was killed.
Robert F. 'Bobby' Kennedy, a Democratic contender for the US presidential nomination, was assassinated on June 6th 1968 in Los Angeles California.Although not running for president, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was also assassinated on April 4th.Robert F. Kennedy
President John Kennedy never did send any one to the moon, as he was assassinated in 1963, men walked on the moon in 1969.But he set the goal for the U.s.A.
They assassinated him because he had killed Almagro and the men who killed Pizarro were still loyal to Almagro
Robert F. Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney General and younger brother of President John F. Kennedy.
African American men
Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.Julius Caesar.