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Can you be more specific? Robert Todd Lincoln was present or arrived on the scene moments after three separate assasinations. The first being his father's Abraham. He then witnessed Garfield's twenty years later and was on hand when Mckinley was shot

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12y ago
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12y ago

Multiple-choice questions only work when the choices are listed. That said, here are the four men who assassinated Presidents listed with the corresponding President: John Wilkes Booth (Abraham Lincoln), Charles Guiteau (James A. Garfield), Leon Czolgosz (William McKinley), and Lee Harvey Oswald (John F. Kennedy).

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14y ago

The presidential assassins were John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln), Charles J. Guiteau (Garfield), Leon F. Czolgosz (McKinley) and Lee Harvey Oswald ( Kennedy).

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13y ago

John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln.

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Q: Which one of the following men assassinated an American president?
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