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Q: Which pirate died of fever in prison?
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What are facts about Mary Read the pirate?

She pretended to be a man alongside Anne bonny. She said she was pregnant so she wasn't hanged. She later died in prison. Hope this helps a bit x

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John Callis - pirate - died in 1576.

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James Ford - pirate - died in 1833.

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Bill Johnston - pirate - died in 1870.

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Joseph Baker - pirate - died in 1800.

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he saw Victoria mancuso and died.

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he died in prison he died in prison

How does the Pirate Bay prevent servers from being detected?

it doesnt!!!! people have just got sued thousands of pounds and put in prison for just USING pirate bay so its not safe!!! it doesnt!!!! people have just got sued thousands of pounds and put in prison for just USING pirate bay so its not safe!!!

How do you use prison ship in a sentence?

Elmo was playing pirate and stole one of cookie monster's cookie's so he locked him up in a prison ship.

When did John Fenn - pirate - die?

John Fenn - pirate - died in 1723-05.