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That would be all of them except for Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.

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Q: Which president did not serve as president in the 1920s?
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What man did not serve as president in 1920s?

Franklin Roosevelt

Who works for the president?

The people that are in The West Wing serve the president.

What years did the president serve?

the president serve for four years in the united states.

How many terms are a president allowed to serve?

2 terms. 8 years total.

How many terms can a president serve in the White House?

A president can serve two presidential terms of four years. Altogether, he/she can serve eight years as president.

Is it true that in the 1920s Franklin D. Roosevelt was the unsuccessful democratic nominee for president of the US?

Yes, in 1920s Franklin D. Roosevelt was the unsuccessful democratic nominee for president of the US.

How long is a president president for?

They serve in four year terms. Currently, a president can only serve 2 terms.

Can Bill Clinton serve as vice president then president if the elected president were to die?

No,by law you can on serve two terms.

Who served as president during the 1920s?

Warren G. Harding

If the president or vice president can't serve as president who would serve?

Broly, for his power is maximum. Broly, for his power is maximum.

Over what part of congress does the vice president serve as president?

One of the few constitutional duties of the Vice-President is to serve as President of the US Senate.

Which man did not serve as President of the US?

That would be all of them except for the 43 men who DID serve as President.